
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Deadzone Plague - Now in Technicolor!

All of my Plagued for Deadzone are painted! Well, they were until Mantic decided to mail me a sprue of Plagued to show off how they look in hard plastic. I wrote most of this a couple months ago along with taking some in progress shots to accompany this blog post. I took dozens of pictures both during and after the painting process, but ended up with only one usable photo after I adjusted the lighting levels. I tried multiple lighting set ups and camera settings and still do not understand what is going on. This unfortunately means I have no in progress photos. I still have that sprue of Plague in hard plastic I mentioned. I may wait to paint them until after I obtain a new camera or see if it is a case of needing better lighting.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Future of Icons of Paragon City

I do not know what the future of Icons of Paragon City is right now. We took a break over the holidays and will be discussing it soonish. I pushed hard for a weekly game so we could wrap up in the first half of December. The feedback has been positive so far, but I wanted to give people a couple of weeks to decompress before seriously discussing where we go, or if we go anywhere, from here.