
Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Future of Icons of Paragon City

I do not know what the future of Icons of Paragon City is right now. We took a break over the holidays and will be discussing it soonish. I pushed hard for a weekly game so we could wrap up in the first half of December. The feedback has been positive so far, but I wanted to give people a couple of weeks to decompress before seriously discussing where we go, or if we go anywhere, from here.

One of the players is quite creative with a lot of roleplaying experience. She is talking about running a superhero game in a setting of her own devising come the new year. We might go to a three week schedule where she runs a game, I run a game, and then there is a week off. Maybe she will run a game every other week and I will slide to a monthly game. It's up for discussion and we are just now coming down from this game ending so that discussion can wait until the new year. I am also thinking of stating up front we will be working on a four hour session time instead of trying for the three hour mark I have yet to hit if I do continue to run Icons.

I am considering setting up some sort of miniature campaign game for the group where people can play games one on one so the schedule is more flexible. The players can schedule a game with a partner that is convenient for the two of them instead of trying to keep a schedule with a half dozen other people. Maybe have a big multiplayer game maybe once a month or every two. Something like Mordheim perhaps, but probably something specifically with roll20 in mind and a definitive end to the campaign. I do not know if it will appeal to most people in the group, but it is an option to have people meet for a game without having to be available at the same time as the bulk of the group.

Now that we have this first volume finished I am looking at other systems again. I found myself ignoring or altering a lot of rules on the fly with Icons, but I also like what Icons offers. Looking back I feel Icons was the best choice for our first volume/arc. I am not sure if it is the best system going forward, but it provided what we needed. There were times I was giving flat bonuses or penalties without applying/activating qualities. I ignore enough of Icons to where I feel I could do the same with other systems. With another GM in the group picking up Supers I might transfer to a different genre. The people I know that are part of the group that have tried Dungeons & Dragons 5e are quite taken with it. I have a physical copy of Mutants & Masterminds 3e that I am preparing to snuggle up in bed with right now. The future holds a lot of possibility.

The Icons of Paragon City Series
Part Four: The Future of Icons of Paragon City - This Post

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