
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Charlatan Shuffle

There are times I feel like a fake. I am constantly weaving back and forth between a state of blissful unawareness of practically everything and the day I will be exposed as a fraud. Rather than wallow in this feeling, I decided to examine it. Maybe it will help me. Maybe it won't. If I put it on the blog then perhaps somebody else can get some use out of it.

This recent bout is directly tied to miniature painting. There are times I literally can not paint because of physical disability. There are other times, such as of the moment of me writing this, where I feel like I am a fake and the only person I can make think I should be permitted anywhere near a miniature with paint brush in hand is myself. On an intellectual level I know I am capable of painting a moderately acceptable tabletop quality miniature. Even in this moment of doubt right now I know this to be true.

I had set aside personal projects to work on something for a friend. I might just chalk this up to me being worried about messing up something that belongs to someone I respect. The trouble with that assumption is I hit this point in most projects where I stall out. I always hit a point where I do not believe I have the ability to finish something the way I want it to be.

I know this feeling is baseless. I look at models I have painted and my first thought is, "I could never do that." Yet, there is proof sitting right there in my hand that not only can I do it, but I have already done it. Even on my current project for my friend which I mentioned I look at parts of it and have that same thought. I worry about having the rest of a model match the quality level of a part that is already finished or close to done. Every time it is a matter of pushing through by attempting to fake it. That tends to work as I usually have a plan for faking it before I even get started. It's working now as I have felt this way a few different times during this project. I am simply at that point where I know I will mess it up, but I also know I will not because I technically can do this.

If I share this, it is not about seeking validation. I know I am good. I have been contemplating setting up a Cool Mini or Not account and finding other ways to expose myself to greater levels of criticism and feedback so I can continue to grow as a miniature painter. I have a decent foundation as well as the potential for growth. I know this, but right now I don't feel this. No amount of telling me what I already know will shift the way I feel. I will continue to work and the feeling will pass and come back again. It is difficult to push through this, but getting through these periods is part of what makes the hobby so rewarding for me.

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