
Monday, December 23, 2013

First Look Into Deadzone

I was a backer for the Deadzone miniatures game. I had no previous experience with Mantic games other than seeing pictures of their models online. The reasons I backed the Deadzone project is they had delivered Dreadball by the date they promised on that kickstarter and I wanted the terrain. I figured that even if the terrain did not work on its own at the price they were asking for it I could use the panels to decorate foamcore or cardboard buildings.

This post will be a first impression. I have spent some time reading the rules as well as cleaning terrain and models. I have yet to actually paint a model or play a game. These are my opinions on the product I have received as of this writing and are subject to change as I familiarize myself more with the game.

The Models
First thing I would like to cover is the models. The infantry pieces are made of a substance some in the community like to call restic. It is a resin plastic with different properties from those released by Forge World or the GW Finecast line, yet is not polystyrene which is what most people in the hobby tend to refer to as plastic even though both types of material are in fact plastics. The pieces are pretty soft, but not as soft as board game pieces one might find in a Fantasy Flight game for instance.

There was a lot of flashing and mold lines. I was dreading the clean up when I first saw the material as the models seem to be made of a similar, yet slightly softer, material to the Privateer Press plastic models. There was also the issue with some pieces where a multi-part mold was used so I was playing hunt the mold lines on a couple of pieces.

I was surprised by how much easier the Mantic plastic was to work with than the Privateer Press plastic. The mold lines were pretty obvious because of all of the flash so hunting was kept to a minimum and were removed simply and fairly cleanly. Do not get me wrong, these plastic models are nowhere near the quality of the Games Workshop plastic models nor the Finecast line, but Mantic is not charging Games Workshop prices. There was loss of detail due to the material being used. I get this with the Privateer Press plastic models as well.

The difference for me is that Privateer Press models are harder to clean than the Mantic models, and retail for $5+ a model for the vast majority of their plastic kits with multiple models where Games Workshop tends to charge $3 a model in many kits with extra parts. Even GW’s most expensive standard infantry kits work out to $6 a model with extra bits. I greatly prefer the GW plastics to pretty much every other plastic kit I have tried in the hobby up to this point, but Mantic is not terrible outside of the loss of some details. Mantic is working on a “hard” plastic and it will be interesting to see the quality and price. You get what you pay for with these few Mantic models I have been working with. The quality is much better than I was expecting. I wish they had gone with a similar process to GW, but the models are not bad for what they are.

The Setting


Oh, you want more?

There is very little background material at this point. Mantic is working on rectifying this with a series of stories. Essentially the story is there are times when the ruling body decides they need to quarantine sections of space from the rest. Those sections disappear from star maps and no communication gets in or out. From the outside it seems like these sections of space simply cease to be there. This might last for decades or even centuries where the billions of people in the sector are left to fend for themselves against not only the threat at hand, but soldiers they thought would protect them as well.

The threat can vary. One example is the Plague. The Plague is an alien life form that transmits similar to a virus and transforms other living beings into creatures collectively referred to as the Plague. The Plague are one of the six factions which makes up the game. The others are the Enforcers who are sent into an area to clean up whatever mess is being contained, Marauders which are Space Orx (very original), and Rebs who are people that found themselves trapped in the containment zone. The Enforcers have the best equipment on their basic troops including armour with thick plates where the Rebs could be painted up as Space Cowboys without the hats if one wants as there are a lot of dusters to be found. The other two factions are coming with wave two. All I know about them is they are Space Dwarves and Space Elves with the Elf faction actually consisting of one elf and a bunch of robots that assist the Elf.

The Rules
I will not say much as of yet. All I have done is read the rules and watched some videos at this point so anybody reading this might want a mountain of salt.

I like what I have read so far. There is some ambiguity, but it seems like they have plans for another book already. At first the rulebook reads clearly, but there had been a couple of points already I had questions on and was not able to find an answer in the book itself. One example was the Frag special rule. In the rules themselves it does not tell if this is done as a Shoot or Blaze Away action. Blaze Away is an action which targets a cube where Shoot targets a single model. The question on which to use is made clear by every model with the rule can only target a single model with a weapon with Frag at this point, but it would have been nice to have it clarified in the rules themselves.

Aspects I like the idea of so far are the small play area, the dice mechanic, and campaign play even if it is on the light side. The cards seem interesting and a supplement rather than a core mechanic. At this point I think I will pick up the expansion when it is released unless I end up hating the game after playing it some.

The Terrain
The terrain is the primary reason I bought into the game. I have two core sets and one landing pad set. Well, half a landing pad set as I was only sent half of the sprues. The terrain is made of a hard plastic. It feels like polystyrene, but I have yet to try anything that reacts chemically with polystyrene to know for certain.

The tiles look good. They look better than the miniatures actually. The plastic is pretty thick and the details are not fine so I do not know if the same machines and material could work with the actual miniatures or not, but they work fine for the terrain.

The connectors sometimes work. The tiles themselves have mold lines inside the holes where the connectors go. I have used a needle file to clean up the mold lines inside the holes with mixed results. Different connectors will work differently in the same hole on the tiles where they are supposed to be all the same size. The buildings will work with some glue. I am thinking about not filing my second set of core terrain as even with the filing on the first set some connectors are still tight and some are loose. At this point I think I am going to end up gluing the models together instead of keeping the individual tiles modular.

The Verdict (for now)
Overall, I am happy with my purchase at this point. I still have another faction and the AI deck to come along with two missing pieces and some terrain sprues. Even if the game itself turns out not to be all that much fun I now have a 2’ x 2’ mouse pad along with terrain that I can use for games of Necromunda or even in 40K. While I wish the models were of a better quality, I do not hate the models and think they are pretty good for the price point Mantic will likely sell them for.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Coming in from the Black

My poor, neglected blog. How I feel for you due to my continued delinquency. How can I ever make it up to you? I would promise to post more. Alas, it would be but a lie. I know, I will make a post. Yes, a post it is!

December is a special time of year. Especially for gamers. The local stores hold events to help those less fortunate. I know the local Hobby Town tends to do a tournament where the entry fee is a new toy with those going to Toys for Tots. Another store, Crazy Squirrel, hold events throughout the month to raise money and food for the Feed Fresno food banks. They do this through a combination of entry fees for events, raffles, and using canned goods to cheat in games. They managed to obtain more than two tons of food last year by doing this.

There are some raffles for this year as well. In fact, I have a couple of them sitting here to be delivered to the store this very night. My roommate has made another TARDIS dice bag as well as a Jayne hat that she will be putting the finishing touches on in the store. The store owner payed for the materials out of her own pocket. The store is also putting up a copy of the new Firefly board game on the auction block. This includes the limited fifth player piece. I've been painting them up and will deliver them tonight. Here are some pictures in case anybody in the Fresno area is interested in throwing in on any of these raffles. Even if you are not interested in the raffles themselves, maybe you can swing by some time this month to get in some cheats and help a great cause.



Thursday, October 3, 2013

Inhuman Lockboxes

We're in the middle of another Spec Ops. I've been pretty lazy about it and am still at the last task with ten days to go. Black Bolt is the hero available this time around. A new PvP season has also started, but it is too early to know where I will end up yet. It's so early in fact I still win defensive battles.

Magnetic Lockboxes are on sale and supposedly being phased out of the shop. Magneto was a deploy in mission three of the spec ops along with Thing. It's a bit odd as I believe he is the first lockbox hero to have been a deploy, and mission two was the elite boss so it's not like either Thing or Magneto were needed to do anything.

Inhuman Lockboxes are the latest lockbox. I recorded my results up to the point where I unlocked Thane. I opened the boxes ten at a time. I have not opened the rest of my boxes yet and do not know if I will keep a record or not. I'm pretty happy with the numbers to get Thane. Unlock at 210 puts me in the roughly 60% percentile. I still have a bunch of boxes and if the rate continues I might end the spec ops with 350 or more earned boxes altogether. The extra CP was nice. At some point I will use some of the ISO-8 and energy. I might use some of the consumables, but it's likely they will just sit in my inventory unless I need silver. The interesting items I received were the Servoguard Programming and the InterfaceXanthine Alkaloid Injector. I did not have a Servoguard Programming Interface so am looking forward to testing it out.

Thane is nice, but the debuff on his L1 does not seem to affect bosses. I've only ran him in 12.2 so far, but his debuff did not work on any of the bosses. I wonder if the debuff counts as a stun since the third application is basically the same as a stun and therefore is cleared off anytime the target is immune to a stun effect. I was tempted to try him in PvP with someone that would cause him to get more attacks with his L1, but the build up might not be worth it if it gets cleared by all the things that clear stuns.

Speaking of weirdness, the new PvP season also introduced some mechanical changes. Protection effects can now intercede counter and followup attacks. Wasp's ability bar is now a hidden vertical bar placed in the first ability's slot on the horizontal bar. Phase is changed to drop from more attacks and you aren't supposed to be able to protect while phased now. Spider-Woman, Gambit, Rogue, Cable, and Deadpool all saw updates. It's a hodge-podge of little things across the board which is nice for shaking up the game a little, but also feels disjointed.

Here are the pulls from my first 210 lockboxes if anybody is curious.

Wave 1
Infinity Volume 1 #1 In-Hyuk Generals Variant (New)
21 CP (2 x 10 CP + 1CP)
Reactive Tough ISO-8
Reactive Tireless ISO-8
Xanthine Alkaloid Injector
2 Shawarma
Team Stamina Boost III

Wave 2
Infinity Volume 1 #3 In-Hyuk Generals Variant (New)
3 CP (single 3CP)
Reactive Expert ISO-8
Reactive Resilient ISO-8
Armor Piercer
Gene Inoculation
Healing Serum IV
Stamina Boost Pack V
Team Healing Elixir

Wave 3
Infinity Volume 1 #2 In-Hyuk Generals Variant (New)
1 CP
Bulky ISO-8 Crystal
Reactive Forceful ISO-8
Reactive Stoic ISO-8
Kunai Barrage III
Nerve Gas III
Regenerating Serum IV
Tactical Strike

Wave 4
Infinity Volume 1 #1 Thanos Variant (New)
Reactive Adroit ISO-8
Reactive Relentless ISO-8
A.R. Spinner
Armor Piercer
Chrono Accelerator
Concealed Blades III
The Crippler

Wave 5
Infinity Volume 1 #3 In-Hyuk Generals Variant (Duplicate)
Reactive Tireless ISO-8
2x Frag Grenade V
Hologram Generator
Kinetic Amplifier II
Neurotoxin IV
Overdrive Ampule II
Shredder IV
Strike Patch V

Wave 6
Infinity Volume 1 #1 In-Hyuk Generals Variant (Duplicate)
Adamantium Knuckles
The Perforator
Chaotic Grenade
Neurotoxin IV
Stinger IV
Team First Aid Pack III

Wave 7
Infinity Volume 1 #1 Thanos Variant (Duplicate)
Reactive Violent ISO-8
Frag Grenade V
Holographic Hand-Link
Napalm IV
Penetrating Strike
2x Quantum Elixir
The Immobilizer

Wave 8
Infinity Volume 1 #1 Yesteryear Comics Variant (New)
Reactive Mercurial ISO-8
Personal Combat Amplifier
Target Painter
Large Energy
Deflection Patch V
Double Strike
Gravity Shield II
The Crippler

Wave 9
Infinity Volue 1 #3 In-Hyuk Generals Variant (Duplicate)
Reactive Enduring ISO-8
Energy Fist
M616 Combat Shotgun
Chaotic Grenade
Chrono Boost
Napalm IV
Penetrating Strike
Tangler Grenade IV

Wave 10
New Avengers Volume 3 #9 (New)
Reactive Guardian ISO-8
Servoguard Programming Interface
Three Battles
Concealed Blades III
Double Strike
Healing Serum IV
Neurotoxin IV
Stamina Serum IV
The Crippler

Wave 11
New Avengers Volume 3 #9 (Duplicate)
13 CP (1x10 + 1x3)
Reactive Lasting ISO-8
Expert ISO-8 Crystal
A.R. Spinner
Target Painter
Cloaking Device
EMP Grenade
Smoke Grenade

Wave 12
Infinity Volue 1 #1 In-Hyuk Generals Variant (Duplicate)
1 CP
Reactive Dexterous ISO-8
Reactive Masterful ISO-8
Molotov V
Nerve Gas III
Overdrive Ampule 2
Quantum Elixir
Stamina Serum IV
The Immobilizer

Wave 13
Infinity Volume 1 #1 Adams Variant(New)
Reactive Fortified ISO-8
Handheld ISO-8 Scanner
Target Painter
Counter Strike
Overdrive Ampule II
Zap-8 V

Wave 14
Infinity Volume 1 #1 Yesteryear Comics Variant (Duplicate)
Adroit ISO-8 Crystal
Reactive Exact ISO-8
Reactive Relentless ISO-8
Reactive Tough ISO-8
Third Law Nullifier
Cloaking Device
Cluster Grenade V
Penetrating Strike
Quantum Elixir

Wave 15
Infinity Volue 1 #2 In-Hyuk Generals Variant (Duplicate)
Reactive Skillful ISO-8
Reactive Sturdy ISO-8
Handheld ISO-8 Scanner
Three Battles
First Aid Pack V
Hologram Generator
Incap III
2x Team Healing Elixir

Wave 16
Infinity Volume 1 #1 Thanos Variant (Duplicate)
Reactive Stoic ISO-8
Quantum Elixir
Team Healing Elixir
Thawing Formula
The Crippler

Wave 17
Infinity Volume 1 #1 Thanos Variant (Duplicate)
Reactive Focused ISO-8
Reactive Robust ISO-8
Offensive Accelerator
Flame Suppresent
Napalm IV
Quantum Elixir
Revenge Strike
Tactical Strike
The Immobilizer

Wave 18
New Avengers Volume 3 #9 (Duplicate)
Evasion Patch V
Neurotoxin IV
Penetrating Strike
Regenerating Serum IV
Restoration Pack V
Strike Patch V
The Immobilizer
Web Grenade

Wave 19
Infinity Volume 1 #1 Thanos Variant (Duplicate)
6CP (1x5 + 1x1)
Reactive Bulky ISO-8
Reactive Deft ISO-8
Reactive Lasting ISO-8
Frag Grenade V
Quantum Elixir
Stunner IV
Team Stamina Boost III

Wave 20
Infinity Volume 1 #1 In-Hyuks Variant (Duplicate)
M616 Combat Shotgun
Svalinn Defender
Large Energy
Chrono Accelerator
Focus Patch V
Hemostatic Spray
Smoke Grenade
Team Healing Elixir

Wave 21
Infinity Volume 1 #1 Djurdjevic Variant (New)
Forceful ISO-8 Crystal
Reactive Proficient ISO-8
Reactive Vigorous ISO-8
“Tenderizer” Shotgun
Flash-Bang III
Nanoplague 2
Stamina Serum IV

Monday, September 30, 2013

A Letter to a Friend

My dear friend,

Right now you are hurting. You ache. You are in a dark place where ugliness leers at you with no evidence of an exit in sight or even a possible path to pursue for an escape. You may even be feeling like your life doesn’t matter overly much to others, if it means anything at all to other people.

I would like to attempt to tell you why you mean so much to me.

You are a passionate person. Those passions not only run deep, but in many directions and touch people from different walks of life. You do not shun people based on anything other than how they conduct themselves as a person where some would push them away for merely existing. You are somebody that can be counted on to be there for others. You have an impact on others and when they stop to think on what you have to say they are generally better off for it. My life is better for having known you. Thank you for allowing me to be your friend.

Recently you did something that was nothing short of amazing. You took your stream of passion and gathered other streams about you. You then took the river that was formed to cut a path through a mountain. You then paved that path and made certain it was dry. There were contributors, but it was you directing your passion in a gracious cause that made it possible.

Because of you another Human Being’s life has changed drastically for the better. You took a twinkling of hope, and blew right past it to levels not even dreamed of. I know you experienced panic and anxiety during the process, and you are hurting now. I wish you also got to feel some of the joy and hope you brought to another.

It is times like this that I enjoy pointing you out to other people. “Look! That is my friend. She is a force for good to be reckoned with. She is witty and loving; brilliant and passionate. She is my friend, and she is beautiful.”

My sincerest love,
Nymie the Pooh
Roderick Neil Ball

Monday, September 9, 2013

Scout Formula

I shared this back in December of 2012 on some local forums. I'm stealing it from there to share here because I was checking on the colours I used as I am going to be working on my other Space marines that have been sitting here in their basecoats since some time in fifth edition. Long before I actually painted these Scouts. The main differences between the scheme on the scouts and the basecoated Space Marines so far is that the Space Marines were primed with white spray paint (not primer) and based painted with Apple Barrels where the Scouts were primed with black primer and painted with the listed paints.

Since the painting contest for the Squirrel is over I thought I would talk about the paint scheme I attempted for the Scouts.

I started with a black undercoat using Rustoleum sandable primer. My other space Marines are on a white primer, but I was trying to swap some paint colors around and the black would force me to try to create some higher contrast which is one area amongst many I feel I need to work on.

NGW: New Games Workshop
OGW: Old Games Worskhop
RMSHD: Reaper Master Series HD

The Black and White I used were both from P3, but any could easily be substituted.

Primary Armour
I left some black showing and layered up from there.
OGW Scaly Green/NGW Temple Guard Blue 1/1
OGW Scaly Green/NGW Temple Guard Blue/NGW Sybarite Green 1/1/1
OGW Scaly Green/NGW Temple Guard Blue/NGW Sybarite Green 1/1/2
NGW Sybarite Green
NGW Sybarite Green/OGW Rotting Flesh

I did the armour first then realized how messy I was being so laid in the base coats for all the rest after that. The armour required quite a bit of touch up at the end because of this.

Secondary Armour
OGW Tentacle Pink Basecoat
OGW Blazing Orange shade

Armour Trim
OGW Fiery Orange Basecoat
Shade down using OGW Blazing Orange
Further shade with RMSHD Rusty Red
Build back up using the colours already used and building up to RMSHD and a touch of white in spots.

OGW Fiery Orange Basecoat
OGW Liche Purple
OGW Dark Flesh
OGW Bleached Bone

I based then shaded down then brought it back up... sort of. I had a pattern going, but painted over that as the pattern was similar to something I had planned for the cloaks and I was worried about making the textures too busy. These were the colors I used to paint on top of the first layers of paint so the paint is a bit thick in the pants.

Scaled Cloaks
OGW Liche Purple
OGW Liche Purple/NGW Genestealer Purple 2/1
OGW Liche Purple/NGW Genestealer Purple 1/1
NGW Genestealer Purple
NGW Genestealer Purple/OGW Space Wolves Grey 1/1

The plan was to paint scales on the back of the cloaks, but I simply am not fast enough. These were the colors I ended up using. All lenses were painted using the same colors but slightly different application.

Inner Cloaks
OGW Tentacle Pink basecoat
OGW Tentacle Pink/OGW Dark Flesh 2/1
OGW Tentacle Pink/OGW Dark Flesh 1/1
OGW Tentacle Pink/OGW Dark Flesh 1/2
P3 Carnation Pink

I was worried about going too dark which is the reason for so many mixes of OGW Tentacle Pink with OGW Dark Flesh.

I was going for Brazillian, but I'm not happy with the results.

OGW Dark Flesh basecoat
Shade down using OGW Liche Purple
Build back up going into OGW Bronzed Flesh
Work in a little RMSHD Rusty Red to the cheeks and nose for a bit of color
Final highlights were OGW Bronzed Flesh with a bit of OGW Rotted Flesh

OGW Dark Flesh basecoat
OGW Liche Purple shade
OGW Dwarf Flesh
OGW Bleached Bone

I was originally working to make them a somewhat Caucasian skin tone so that people didn't think the actual skin tones were dark by accident. The leather was lacking color and didn't look right however so I went back and tinted and reworked it using the colors listed while mixing in RMSHD Rusty Red.

Black and RMSHD Rusty Red were the only colors used.

Chaper Emblem
OGW Liche Purple Base
Clean up using OGW Tentacle Pink
OGW Liche Purple/NGW Temple Guard Blue 1/1
NGW Temple Guard Blue
NGW Temple Guard Blue/NGW Sybarite Green 1/1
NGW Sybarite Green

I think that was all the colors used. I could be missing something.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Wyrd September

I found out today that A Wyrd Place is holding a crew painting competition for September. This one is a little different from most. They wanted it to be accessible to painters of various skill levels so it's a raffle. Your entry earns you one ticket in the raffle. Extra tickets can be earned by doing extra or painting to a higher standard, but this gives all entrants a chance, including me.

Absolutely none of the models can be past the priming phase so the Viktorias were off limits to me since I painted Johan a couple of months ago and I'm not going to strip him for this. That leaves Perdita’s crew.

I don’t really have much to post as I literally finished assembling and washing the models earlier. They required a picture for verification that the models had no paint beyond primer upon starting so there is one picture.

This is the crew pretty much straight from the box. There are no conversions, but I am using some resin bases from Secret Weapon Miniatures.

As per usual, I have not figured out how I want to paint them yet so I should probably do that tonight. They will get primed tomorrow after they have completely dried from their bath. If there is time then I will also paint up Grandma later in the month as she will give me an extra ticket.

Prime Time

I started the Prime account today. I decided to create my new agent on the Playdom site instead of Facebook due to curiosity.

The most obvious differences between the two versions are the chat system and team tournaments. There's a scrolling chat to the side of the game window. Every hour you compete as a group against another group to see who can do the most tasks, leveling, research, and similar tasks within the span of an hour. A post is made in the side chat when you share an achievement. Players on your team can click on these links to boost your side's score. The more people that click on the link the higher your team's score becomes. The winning side gets a prize that seems to range from silver to command points and even gold. The leading contributor on the winning side gets a bonus two gold as well.

The other thing that works differently is gifting. I’m still trying to figure out all the particulars, but you can send one gift to each ally per hour and can have up to two hundred allies. There seems to be no limit on how much you can collect. An interesting tidbit is that they still have the Norton antivirus shield item, but it affects the whole team and not just a single ally.

Yet another difference is there doesn't seem to be any links for free items. This is covered by the hourly team tournaments.

Personal Standings
Agent Level: 10
Gold: 25
Command Points: 20
Silver: 19,296
S.H.I.E.L.D. Points: 31
Shadow Lockboxes: 12
PvP Rating: 740
PvP Percentage: 41.89%

Heroes Roster
Black Widow Lvl 5
Hawkeye Lvl 3
Iron Fist Lvl 4
Iron Man Lvl 4

I've pushed up into the early two hour long research ISOs. There's not a whole lot else to report other than PvP is tough without ISOs and an armoury. I put five Mystic Grenades in the armoury, and I still lost more assaults than I won.

I think a new player might be a bit overwhelmed if they stepped into the game right now. I have twelve active tasks right now. My Alpha account has nine by comparison, and two of those are old tasks that never cleared out properly.

Here is my referral link if anybody wants to ally themselves with me.

I can't say a lot after just one day. My initial judgement is that if you only want to get on once, maybe twice each day then Facebook might be the better option. The Playdom version really seems to favour the player that can sit there for an hour and do little tasks over time. If you can check your account every hour and have active allies then you could potentially have endless energy or other gifts.

Monday, September 2, 2013

What I've Been Painting

I recently got the camera back so took a couple of quick pictures. I need to take the time to learn how to take better pictures some time.

This is fifty four Night Goblins I painted for the local Warhammer Fantasy Battles escalation league. The break down is thirty three Night Goblins with spears, shields, and full command; twenty Night Goblins with short bows, boss, and musician; and a Night Goblin Shaman. It comes to 259 points if equipped at bare minimum.

I bought an Arachnarok Spider since painting the Night Goblins pictured above. I am in the middle of assembly, putty, and base work right now. I have taken a break however as I do not know how I want to paint her yet. In an attempt to push myself into figuring it out I have started painting my Forest Goblin Spider Riders. These as well have stalled out as I don’t know what I want to do with them either. They are magnetized to make transportation easier. I have yet to figure out where I am taking them. So far my plan has been to just throw paint at them and see what sticks. I’m posting pictures of the WIP shots in an attempt to shame myself into finishing them.
The flesh on the one is a simple combination of P3 Carnal Pink, P3 Morrow White, and GW Ogryn Flesh. I think I will continue that part across the rest of the spiders as I think it makes for a nice inhuman pale flesh without looking sickly. I might punch up the resources a little bit more. I'll decide after the rest of the body on each spider is done.

I painted this model up for a local painting competition. It won first in its category. I primed it two days before the entry date. I painted the skin and the base for the cloth and metal the first day working up the blue/green on the bottom with the off-white still on the top with the plan to paint it orange or purple the next day. There was so much of both of those colours worked into the skin and metal upon seeing the model the next day I decided to continue up the gradation started with the bottom.

This model is a good example of why I need to learn to take better pictures. I worked the cloth to pure white in some places and pure black in others and the pictures I am taking seem to average everything out.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Alpha Big Time

Instead of writing a new post with each update I will edit this blog post until the close of PvP Season 10. Spec Ops 12 is practically done for me. I’ll farm it a bit for gold and unique items, but I achieved two of my three primary objectives.

10 Sep 2013
It doesn't feel like a week since I have updated this post.
I have Doombringer. The final score with cancelling out some when I was at four stars is 486,236.
I have Five Stars in the second mission of Spec Ops 12.
I have Elektra.
I purchased Squirrel Girl.

I finished Gold in PvP as per my goal. I was in Diamond at 5.36% an hour and a half before the end. I left the computer because I was out of energy and had things to do. I finished at 15.60%.

The Spec Ops is still in operation for another six days. In that time I will continue to try to finish five starring it simply as a personal goal. If I get all the spec ops missions five starred then I may go back to the second and try for the gear again. I will also finish up Facing Facts which has thirteen days remaining. I am also going to shift focus to farming 6.6 for Momentum Generator to combine it with Dragon's Foot.

There most probably won't be any further updates to this post. Everything else is pretty much straightforward until the next Spec Ops or PvP season unless Playdom tosses something new at us.

03 Sep 2013
Four Stars in all missions for Spec Ops 12

01 Sep 2013
I purchased Cable
I have unlocked Squirrel Girl but have not bought her yet
I have four stars in the first two missions of Spec Ops 12
There was a new task to pop up today. Roundup, which I have started
Still have not earned Doombringer

PvP was a lot harder today. I ended at high gold. I may run a couple more later, but even with the five dailies I feel somewhat wrung out. I’m not sure what is going on. For instance, an opponent with a roughly equal armoury bonus and fewer heroes one-shotted my tanking general agent with a shield and full health. Their Cyclops was the first to go and paired with Wolverine. I never got a second action with any of my team. Their agent did have the Warbringer and Shepherd’s Staff affecting Cyclops at the time, but that was all the buffs aside from Agile and Combat Expertise. All of the guys on his side had almost half as many hit points as my heroes as well. I'm still trying to figure out how he did it as I didn't see anything out of the ordinary in his gear. Maybe all of his ISO-8 is slotted to health, attack, and accuracy with nothing to either of the defenses or stamina. Still, it was vicious.

He’s only level five, but I am thinking Cable might work well with Ares. Being able to use those strong single target L1 attacks of his without consuming vast amounts of stamina or hurting himself is nice so far. We’ll see how he shapes up after unlocking his L9.

31 Aug 2013
Current Goals in Order of Importance
1. Unlock Squirrel Girl.
2. Unlock Elektra.
3. Farm Spec Ops 12 for gold.
4. Get Gold in PvP.
5. Obtain Guided Repeater.
6a. Get five stars in all three missions for Spec Ops 12.
6b. Continue farming 3.5 for Doombringer.
7. Decide if I will bite the bullet on buying Dragon’s Foot or not. Luke Cage has a great attack that requires some set up and this weapon looks like it could do it in one step instead of taking a couple of turns. I’m curious how good the passive. The increase to crit chance might be enough to guarantee he crits. Throw in a Momentum Generator and he might be crushing things. It’s hard to theorycraft without solid numbers, but it has potential.
8. Build up my gold and command points reserve
9. Get the last star in 3.6 to unlock Golden Screaming Eagle.

Spec Ops 12
Spec Ops 12 is still running with fifteen days to go. I have already unlocked Ares and completed the score challenges.

Vindication Set
The Void Generator seems like it would be nice, but it requires a second piece of equipment which practically does nothing on its own. That being said, the shield effect is strong and the debuff denial is great. I’ve been testing it out against enemies that consistently stun me in PvE and not one stun stuck. I do not know if this is me being extremely lucky with the random number generator, or if this is working as intended. The basics for how it works is you activate the first item which is a quick action with a very minor heal, stamina gain, and a buff. The buff does nothing on its own.

When the Void Generator is activated it consumes that buff to activate a shield effect. Depending on which device you used to apply the triggering buff the shield either affects just the agent or your whole team. The shield removes and prevents harmful debuffs that don’t specifically destroy or prevent shields while removing a buff from the attacker. It could arguably be one of the best shield effects in the game. Without that buff it is an energy ranged weapon that removes buffs from the target of the attack with damage that will be quickly out leveled. Both items are on a two round cool down.

There are two other weapons in the set right now with the last probably hitting the store at the end of the Spec Ops. All of these consume the charge from that first device for extra effect. If you want the full effect you will be running two of these at most as you need two separate devices to get the buff which procs the extra goodies. In addition, the buff does not stack so there is probably no reason to ever run more than one weapon from this set on an away team as the AI might waste the charge and you are left with turns where you have no charge available. I could see using this on an AFK team paired up with Sudden Support and Phoenix Flare due to the cool downs making it harder for the computer to screw up the order in the first two turns. I have trouble picturing a scenario other than that where I might trust the computer to use these two items correctly in the first turn unless you take all quick items.

The biggest problem I have is that the trigger items don’t do anything on their own. The highest tier one will do damage to Venom when used, but other than that they are tying up a slot to make another item nice, but not worth the two slots. The set would work better if the weapons were boosted by the charge but didn’t consume it or if the trigger buff was a passive and the quick action was something like Subtle Halitosis. I’m interested to see what the final piece to the set will be and how it will finish off the set as that has the potential to make all the difference.

PVP Season 10
PVP Season 10 is also under way with eight days remaining. I am fluttering back and forth between Gold and Diamond right now. I do the five dailies for the lockboxes and roulette. My goal is to finish in Gold.

For the first half of the season I saw very little on defense outside of Rescue, Phoenix, Wolverine, Cyclops, Kitty Pryde, Omega Sentinel, and Magneto in that order. I would estimate roughly four in five matches had Rescue. This has diversified over the past couple of days as pretty much every attack team is running a reliable answer to Rescue now. Those names are still showing up, but with alternates and a few more characters showing up more such as Hulk for those not carrying a Warbringer as almost everybody seems to have and Union Jack is making the rounds. I have no clue what people are running on offense which is the downside to having two separate PvP setups now. Most people were too lazy to switch back and forth between attack and defense before so it was easier to know what people were running.

For most of the event my attack team has been an agent with Hoarfrost Mace, Girl’s Best Friend, Nanite Inductive Nailgun, and Signpost leading Nightcrawler’s Infiltrator Swashbuckler alt and Daimon Helstrom. Nightcrawler is the workhorse and can dish out the damage along with three of the basic four debuffs and a stun. Daimon is support that might do some damage after a couple of turns, especially if I need to prevent healing or resurrection. There are so many tacticians on defense that you don’t want him attacking all the time so it’s nice that he has so many options to do things other than hit people. My agent’s job on that team is to be a wall. Daemon helps prop the agent, and sometimes Nightcrawler up.  Most of my gear is out leveled as it’s all from events except for the Girl’s Best Friend which I got more recently as a random and it replaced my old one. It’s still pretty far below my level. I am not dropping gold on being any more viable in PvP for this event however. The item is a bit hard to tell it's usefulness just from reading the description, and while I've been in Vibranium league on the last day I was never able to be on at the end of the event to defend it so have yet to get a suit outside of a bug that affected many people last season and Playdom decided to let everybody keep the rewards that were handed out.

I tried Satana early on with different combos over a few days. Turn sequence matters way too much with her. She is extremely fragile. If she dies then she takes her ball with her and leaves you with the lovely debuffs she puts on your own team. Nobody can really protect her as she weakens them to where they can’t take much of a hit either. Maybe white suit Thing or Collosus, but the only alt I have for Colossus right now is the P5 bruiser and I tend to prefer him swinging if possible.

I was running Spider-Woman and Luke Cage with my agent having four useless items and the starting uniform equipped on defense to make the five dailies easier, but even fluctuating up into diamond I am winning my assaults so the five dailies isn’t really a grind. I’ve been experimenting with quite a few setups on defense and am nowhere near finding something I am happy with. I spent two days swapping gear around on my agent to try and make Daimon and Fantomex work. In theory the two of them should be giving me a 60% chance not to be hit before Evasion or anything like that enters the picture. Storm might have been a better choice than Fantomex for this, but his comes from a passive that can not be removed and I was trying a blaster agent for much of those two days. Problem is I have absolutely no clue how the computer would run those two together. I’ve never seen much of either of them before let alone together. They both have the potential to make the enemy attack their own people, but Daimon has to do it in a very specific way and I don't know how the computer runs him. The Luke Cage/Spider-Woman combo has won more defensive battles than some of the stuff that totally outclasses them. I can’t help but wonder if somebody saw them and had no clue what to do. The only characters more shocking to see in PVP are probably Thing and Mr Fantastic. Hmmm…

Covert Task
The Squirrel Girl unlock has seventeen days left and I am sitting at the last task as I am contemplating buying Cable before I do it as he means another roulette as I run the mission to unlock her. I could go unlock access to buy her right now, but I have a weakness for hitting as many roulettes as possible even though I know I can run it again later.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

I Choose You Rescue!

I have a love/hate relationship with a Facebook game. No, the game is not Farmville. It is  Marvel Avenger’s Alliance. Marvel Avenger's Alliance (MAA) is essentially a pokemon style game where you collect characters from the Marvel Universe. The focus is on the 616 and movie universes so far, but the game introduced Incursions recently so there are story reasons for doing alternate reality versions of the characters.

The player creates a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent whose job it is to wade into the thick of things alongside the heroes and provide support. At first this means giving access to med kits and such. Later on your Agent becomes one of the most potent people in the battle.

My S.H.I.E.L.D. agent is level 125 as of the writing of this post. That’s not very high all things considered. Max level is 300. I stunted my experience growth for a time while building up my heroes and other resources.

The reason for this primer is I wish to catalogue my progress. I thought I might as well share the experience while I am at it. I am also considering starting a second account. I started my first account during the time of the first Spec Ops. I have resources that a new player would not. I am curious as to how overwhelming coming into the game would be for a new player with some guidance now compared to when I started without any. I’m far from being an expert on the game, but there are some great resources on the wiki which is where all of my knowledge outside of personal experience comes from. I know more than the vast majority of new players are likely to learn on their own just playing the game for a month and I think I will struggle. I enjoy a struggle which is part of why I like this idea.

I haven’t made a decision on when I am going to start the second account. Right now I do not feel a whole lot of pressure on my resources of the first account. I may work on building up my first account to be just a bit more secured in case running a second causes me to slack off too much.

For this reason, future Marvel Avenger’s Alliance posts will be tagged either ‘Avengers Alliance’, ‘MAA Alpha’, or ‘MAA Prime’. MAA Alpha will be for posts relating to my current account. MAA Prime will be for the new account should I start it. Avengers Alliance will be for posts that do not contain anything specific to either character. This way I can track the progress of each account separately and better be able to analyze the meta for each of those two level ranges in PVP.

Introduction to the Warhammer Fantasy League

I am in an escalation league for Warhammer Fantasy hosted through the Crazy Squirrel game store in Fresno, CA. I believe the league began with eight players at the start of the year. It is currently at eighteen. It's pretty amazing not just because of the growth and retention rate, but this is in the face of the fact that Warhammer Fantasy has seen zero play in public for at least two years locally leading up to this league. There is already talk of starting a fresh league at the new year and what possible changes people would like to see along with additional events. He probably won't see this, but Ryan Mathews has done an amazing job running the league up to this point.

I was going to originally play Warriors of Chaos as I had next to nothing painted when I joined the league. It would give me an army with a small model count and be manageable. There was already a couple of people playing Warriors of Chaos however. There was nothing stating I couldn't play them, but the more variety available the more potential for fun.

After talking with a couple of people I settled on Greenskins. I had an easy 1500 point army with options already. So far I have expanded on that with the purchase of an Arachnarok Spider and thirty Savage Orcs. Closer to the end of the year I will pick up a war machine or two and snuggle nicely into the final total of 2500.

Here are the models I have finished painting since joining the league. I had some models painted before the league, and some I am in the middle of, but these are the ones started and basically finished since joining. I may go back and do more work later, but they are good enough to go forward with other models.
This comes to fifty four models all told. The break down is thirty three Night Goblins with spears, shields, and full command; 20 Night Goblins with short bows, boss and musician; and a Night Goblin Shaman. This comes to 259 points assuming no further upgrades.

I have learned some things so far with the league. The first is that I am a very poor general. That is okay as I am improving. I am also a very poor painter. In this I mean, my habits are poor. Part of this is physical difficulty, but part is that there are whole weeks where I don't touch a brush at all. I'll be posting some Spider Riders to the Wall of Shame soon if I don't get them finished.

Welcome to the Kibitz Knook

Salutations. I am the host of the Kibitz Knook, Nym Squee Pimpley. The Kibitz Knook is a personal blog with a focus on a variety of gaming topics. In time it should host posts ranging from table top wargaming to pen and paper role playing games to video games. Along the way I will spew out theories I have on gaming along with posts about related topics such as miniature painting and what exactly is the best tool for removing a spear after your cat leaves a model laying next to your bed in the middle of the night.

There may be personal information about myself from time to time as this is a personal blog. This post is one such example as I felt it was prudent to introduce myself along with the blog. I will endeavor to keep any in depth personal information to their own posts so they are easy to skip over should I ever feel the need to post such.

Speaking of myself, I am a wheelchair bound individual. I currently reside in Central California with my three cats and roommate/caregiver. Sometimes her daughter and grandkids along with their cat lives with us. My health waxes and wanes, but even with that I haven’t been able to sit up on my own for about five years. It’s been a slow but gradual degradation that has been taking place since the 1990s. The doctors do not know what exactly is occurring with my body. The most recent theory is Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), but they do not know for certain. I have controlled Type 2 Diabetes and bad cholesterol. Both are nearly to a level of control not worth mentioning, but I’m attempting to be thorough yet brief in case anybody does decide to read this. My health has actually been in a bit of an upswing starting roughly a before writing this. I am able to get to my computer with greater regularity and have been getting out more. Part of the reason for this blog is that I want to write about gaming or flesh out one of the many disjointed game ideas I have while I am able.

My experience with video game consoles includes the Atari 2600, NES, SNES, Gamecube, Gameboy, Gameboy Colour, and the first generation Gameboy DS. The one really comfortable chair that can accommodate me is sitting in front of my computer so I have had little desire to spend much time in front of the television. My first pen and paper roleplaying game was the D&D Rules Cyclopedia. I did a lot of bartering building up from my lunches to buy it and then had to smuggle it to and from school. Smuggling is wrong kids.

So far I have played and run many different RPG systems including Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Palladium, Gurps, Old & New World of Darkness, Call of Cthulhu, Shadowrun, and Savage Worlds among others. The only CCG I’ve spent any real time with was Magic: the Gathering, but I haven’t played in years. I own a bunch of the Marvel and DC VS system cards, but never played. I have an interest in just about any miniatures game I can get my hands on. Steam says I currently own 123 games through that service while Origin has about twenty and over fifty on Good Old Games and yet there are still CDs and other games I have no clue what I have done with them. I used to cycle through MMOs. City of Heroes, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and World of Warcraft are the ones I have played the most, and in that order. The most recent MMO has been Defiance. I just haven’t put in much time with any MMO lately. I’ve also been playing Facebook games lately. One of the ideas I have for a feature is to start a new game for Marvel Avengers Alliance and catalogue what it is like going through with a fresh account since I started mine right before Spec Ops 1.

I think that is more than enough about me for now. Hopefully that will give those of you interested some insight into what you might find here. This should cover all the basics and give me one post to point people at if they ask about me.