
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Introduction to the Warhammer Fantasy League

I am in an escalation league for Warhammer Fantasy hosted through the Crazy Squirrel game store in Fresno, CA. I believe the league began with eight players at the start of the year. It is currently at eighteen. It's pretty amazing not just because of the growth and retention rate, but this is in the face of the fact that Warhammer Fantasy has seen zero play in public for at least two years locally leading up to this league. There is already talk of starting a fresh league at the new year and what possible changes people would like to see along with additional events. He probably won't see this, but Ryan Mathews has done an amazing job running the league up to this point.

I was going to originally play Warriors of Chaos as I had next to nothing painted when I joined the league. It would give me an army with a small model count and be manageable. There was already a couple of people playing Warriors of Chaos however. There was nothing stating I couldn't play them, but the more variety available the more potential for fun.

After talking with a couple of people I settled on Greenskins. I had an easy 1500 point army with options already. So far I have expanded on that with the purchase of an Arachnarok Spider and thirty Savage Orcs. Closer to the end of the year I will pick up a war machine or two and snuggle nicely into the final total of 2500.

Here are the models I have finished painting since joining the league. I had some models painted before the league, and some I am in the middle of, but these are the ones started and basically finished since joining. I may go back and do more work later, but they are good enough to go forward with other models.
This comes to fifty four models all told. The break down is thirty three Night Goblins with spears, shields, and full command; 20 Night Goblins with short bows, boss and musician; and a Night Goblin Shaman. This comes to 259 points assuming no further upgrades.

I have learned some things so far with the league. The first is that I am a very poor general. That is okay as I am improving. I am also a very poor painter. In this I mean, my habits are poor. Part of this is physical difficulty, but part is that there are whole weeks where I don't touch a brush at all. I'll be posting some Spider Riders to the Wall of Shame soon if I don't get them finished.

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