
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Da Besterest Pony!

This is a continuation of the Lurker series. In this series I take topics I have liberated from oppression and did not totally steal from other bloggers. Today we look at...

"Which My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic pony is the best pony, and why."

Out of the topics covered so far in this series, this is the one I feel the most confident about my answer. That answer is simple. The red one. The reason why is because red ones go faster. You can not argue with science.

I have little experience with My Little Pony. My roommate's grandkids watch it. I have caught a couple of episodes as I like to know what forms of entertainment the kids are exposed to. I might have attempted to convince one of the kids that every time someone says "Thank You" a pony gets its cutie mark. No, she did not buy into my lies. I have watched enough of the show to know it is one of the better children's cartoons. I do not watch a lot of television myself so this show becomes part of what I do not watch. If I had to watch children's programming twenty four hours a day then I could accept My Little Pony as part of the rotation.

I understand there are adults that enjoy this program. I take no issue with this. The writing is snappy with a bit of wit thrown in. Yes, it is children's programing, but so is most of television if we remove theme and look simply at the level of writing and story involved. Most media produced for mass consumption has a target audience with a second grade or lower reading level. I do enjoy reading people bash a children's program for not meeting a higher standard the reviewer does not hold to most other television programs.

I have yet to see anybody come to direct harm as a result of themselves or someone around them being a fan of My Little Pony. I enjoy many hobbies where others have attempted to make me feel small due to their own misunderstandings. Part of the reason for this blog is because I am used to hiding my hobbies from others. Nobody should feel ashamed for liking something somebody else does not as long as no harm comes from their participation in that hobby.

I am not a fan of My Little Pony. I am not a pegasister, nor a bronie, nor whatever label fans are applying to themselves today. I know what pegasi and unicorns are because the words exist outside of My Little Pony. My knowledge of that world is limited. Apparently it consists of friendship and magic. I do know the kids like the show. From what little I saw I deem it safe for their viewing. 

I do have friends that like the program. These are good people, some of whom I love dearly. I am not going to belittle or scorn them simply for enjoying something I myself do not take part in. I have a couple of friends I have even seen positive changes in their attitudes or behavior since they discovered My Little Pony. Who am I to take that from them?
After some reflection I would like to change my answer. My answer is you. You are the best pony. You have the power to embrace others with the magic of your friendship. Please, be the best friend you can. Friendship is the magic that happens when we work together. Friendship is greater than the some of its parts. The world could use some more ponies.

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