
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Captain's Personal Log - Stardate 13016.128

Our destination is Ironius Paintorus III in the Wyrd system. Preparations are underway to present the representatives with a scientific gift that will interface with their technology, but not be of their own making. The engineers ensure me that all of the components are available and assembled. My Science officer will be calibrating the prototype model while the ship's Counselor will be overseeing the final preparations. We must arrive and present the model no later than the morning of 13016.130, or all is for naught.

This is a personal entry. It is a little bit on the long side. It is a post that many should probably skip. There is a bit of me feeling sorry for myself in this post. This post may contain Too Much Information (TMI). Consider that a final warning that you will not get back the time it took to read the remainder. I feel it is important to share life's hiccups on occasion, and I have the time to do so right now.

For those that do not know me personally, I have a neurological condition. Doctors have theories as to what it is, but when it comes right down to it, they do not know. Multiple Sclerosis was the leading candidate for many years. It is still a consideration, but they have as of yet to find any lesions. Lesions should be relatively easy to find in my condition. Somatization is a possibility. The only doctors to suggest it are doctors that were in and out of clinics so I only got to see either of them once each. Somatization is a hard diagnosis to accept. I am not actually diagnosed, and Somatization is actually not all that likely, but it is still a path I continue to pursue just in case. I had a doctor think it might be Muscular Dystrophy, but I had only seen that doctor once. Lyme Disease was suggested but never seriously pursued. The current contender is Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP for short), which shares a lot of symptoms with Multiple Sclerosis, but is much harder to identify. There had been others, but those are the big ones.

Regardless of the actual condition, it means I face certain limitations. I started having trouble gripping things on and off in the nineties. There were times I had no energy. I was prone to dizzy spells. I had occasions where I was unable to move my body. I chalked it up to being lazy. The last time I was able to stand on my own was in 2005. The last time I was able to sit up on my own was a couple of years after that. There are days I can not hold up my head. Some days I am unable to get out of bed. There are times other people can not understand my speech because I will slur or mumble.

I entered Iron Painter because my health has been in a bit of an upswing. That is the nature of life for me. It used to be massive spikes of mountains and valleys where for the last few years it had petered out to be more like rolling hills. Sometimes I do better than others and the reason as to why is rarely identifiable. I do not know if I will be able to participate in a painting competition after this. I know that sounds fatalistic, and it may not be the case, but it might be. I have never been part of a large miniature painting competition, and I wanted to know what it would feel like. I do not want to be looking at future Iron Painters or other painting competitions and thinking to myself I should have joined while I still could.

The first round went pretty smoothly for me. There were a few issues health wise, but they were minor as far as their effect on the competition. I did my best to relax the week between the first two rounds. I was chomping at the bit and cleaning models for gaming purposes going into round two. Round two started out okay, but I started losing it part way into the project. There were times I was painting with a stuffed animal wedged up against my neck for my head to rest on, and I had trouble with the brush. I had to watch my hand because I could not tell the position of the brush by touch. Quite a bit of the time between round two and three was spent in bed. I was partially relieved when I switched projects and had to wait on shipping. The delay meant more downtime before I had to get back to the competition even though it also meant I was looking at less time to actually paint.

Earlier I mentioned I had the time to write this right now. I am on my fourth change of undergarments since I have been up with only one diaper left. I did manage to paint the binding on one foot in that time. I hope to return to the model in a bit, but it is a little bit of a struggle. I am taking a little bit longer of a break at this moment before returning to painting. I am attempting to do something productive during this break.

Some people claim to enjoy seeing how the sausage is made. The way I make the sausage is to keep painting even if doing so seems to make things worse. Sausage making is a messy process. Sometimes I stumble. Okay, I stumble a lot. Everybody has their struggles. Mine is no more detrimental to my hobby time than most. Just because we face different struggles does not mean that one struggle is more real than another. Some people have family or work or other commitments or health issues of their own. I am lucky in that I have no life or commitments. This is the only real obstacle I face when it comes to painting miniatures.

This is a difficult hobby. I do not feel I am particular good at it, but I do love this hobby. It combines so many creative endeavors that I love. Please keep at it if you love the hobby. Keep stumbling. Even if the stumble is backward, it is still movement. Pick a direction. Keep your focus on your goal and not necessarily on where you are at in relation to that goal. Try not to worry too much on which direction you are actually moving as a painter as long as you keep moving.

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