
Monday, September 30, 2013

A Letter to a Friend

My dear friend,

Right now you are hurting. You ache. You are in a dark place where ugliness leers at you with no evidence of an exit in sight or even a possible path to pursue for an escape. You may even be feeling like your life doesn’t matter overly much to others, if it means anything at all to other people.

I would like to attempt to tell you why you mean so much to me.

You are a passionate person. Those passions not only run deep, but in many directions and touch people from different walks of life. You do not shun people based on anything other than how they conduct themselves as a person where some would push them away for merely existing. You are somebody that can be counted on to be there for others. You have an impact on others and when they stop to think on what you have to say they are generally better off for it. My life is better for having known you. Thank you for allowing me to be your friend.

Recently you did something that was nothing short of amazing. You took your stream of passion and gathered other streams about you. You then took the river that was formed to cut a path through a mountain. You then paved that path and made certain it was dry. There were contributors, but it was you directing your passion in a gracious cause that made it possible.

Because of you another Human Being’s life has changed drastically for the better. You took a twinkling of hope, and blew right past it to levels not even dreamed of. I know you experienced panic and anxiety during the process, and you are hurting now. I wish you also got to feel some of the joy and hope you brought to another.

It is times like this that I enjoy pointing you out to other people. “Look! That is my friend. She is a force for good to be reckoned with. She is witty and loving; brilliant and passionate. She is my friend, and she is beautiful.”

My sincerest love,
Nymie the Pooh
Roderick Neil Ball

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