
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Here Puppy, Puppy, Puppy

I just finished the War Dog for my Khador army.

Here are the colours used on the dog itself.
Arcane Blue P3
Bleached Bone DGW
Coal Black P3
Hammerfall Khaki P3
Ogryn Flesh Wash DGW
Scorched Brown DGW
Vomit Brown DGW

DGW = Discontinued Games Workshop Paint
P3 = Privateer Press Paint

I started with a basecoat of Hammerfall Khaki and Vomit Brown. There was more Vomit Brown then Hammerfall Khaki. Maybe 5:2. It was definitely between 1:1 and 1:2 ratios. I then blocked in the underside of the model and up into the chest in muzzle with almost pure Hammerfall Khaki with just a touch of Vomit Brown and a little bit of blending into the rest of the body as my photo references had the underbelly, chest, and muzzle area lighter and more desaturated than the flanks and top of the body.

The muzzle was done by mixing the base mix (well, eyeballing a fresh batch) with some Scorched Brown, blending over to a pure Coal Black, then hitting parts of the nose and edges of the moth with a mix of Coal Black and Arcane Blue. I realize the muzzle should be kept warm, but I was hoping to inject a bit of contrast. I did the same process for the skin around the eyes.

The body had a lot of back and forth. I ended up dropping the Hammerfall Khaki part way through the painting process and using Bleached Bone instead as I felt there was not enough saturation in the highlights. The only colour listed above that was not used in the flesh aside from the muzzle and eyes is Arcane Blue. The Ogryn Flesh Wash was used more for adding warmth back to the model than for true shading.

I used some Reaper HD Winter Blue and P3 Thamar Black in spots on the body while working on other parts of the model to try and tie the model into the rest of the force. The rest of the model used what has become the standard for my Khador force. The exception here is the leather straps which was just Thamar Black and Hammerfall Khaki.

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