
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

We Can Kanban

One of my favourite hobby podcasts is the Independent Characters. They have been discussing for a while using a Kanban board to organize their hobby projects. A local player, The Professor, has also talked about it to me a bit. This post on the Independent Character’s blog finally pushed me into setting up a board.

Here is my board as it stands right now. It includes everything I either own or am likely to own for Deadzone over the coming year. It also includes projects that I am in the middle of as well as uncompleted models for my Khador forces. Everything is colour coded by game system with purple being a default colour. Since I do not foresee any Deadzone beyond what is already on the board, and Mordheim is not something I expect to see much play any time soon unless I run a campaign, they are in the default purple. The Privateer Press models are in red, Malifaux in orange, and 40K in blue for now. 40K is a pretty low priority for me right now, but one model has some paint on it and a couple of models are cleaned and primed.

I have entries organized with priority going to the models at the top of a column and going down from there. Playing around with the board I like the ease of use so far. I can see where the board will be helpful. I think I will be more likely to copy an existing entry in a given column rather than drag an entry straight over however as while subtasks are entry specific right now I am finding myself assigning the same subtasks to multiple entries in the same column and clearing out the subtasks from previous columns. It’s easier to delete the old entry then copy and rename an entry from the new column rather than copy the old entry over and change all the subtasks. We’ll see how this goes in the future.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, then I encourage you to check out the blog post on the Independent Characters. There are some good tips to get you started. You can find Kanban Flow here.

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